Member Since: September 3, 2011
Country: United States
Welcome aboard Glenn!
Just curious, is there any reason this wasn't designed with copper pours?
Just want to say great job to Sparkfun for breaking out all the capabilities of these ICs. I know most of the use cases won't need a thermistor, but it is infuriating when you have a board with a capable part but it isn't in an accessible area since the designer didn't think it would get used.
Great job guys.
Arduino is great to get people into the hobby of embedded space, but in professional practice, it makes me cry
In case that one doesn't work for somebody, check out the AS1130 from austria microsystems. Same amount of LEDs as the linked one, just another option
I'd argue the 8-pin route is better.
9-pins spans more than one port on AVR controllers. If it was 9 pins, I'd have to :
DDRB |= 0xFFu;
DDRC |= 0x01u;
PORTB |= 0x55u;
PORTC |= 0x01u;
It is double the code your way.
8-pins is much better and allows for more compact code.
Yes finally you guys offer charlieplexed led boards! This should have been done a long time ago but I'm so glad its finally here
I would be wary of these micro-USB connectors that don't have any through hole solder joints. Just having the two solder points on top without any mechanical support make them incredibly weak.
It means that it was out of stock while you were checking out. "Backorder" typically means you pay for it and then it ships when they are in stock again.
Edit: They tweeted that if it says it is backordered, it will be fulfilled
Got one! 1.5s went INSANELY fast. Thankfully got a .5