Member Since: December 25, 2011
Country: United States
Product DEV-08480 about 12 years ago
I really love PSoC but I would definitely pay a little bit more for the PSoC 1 evaluation kit before anything third party like this. Or maybe 10 bucks less for the PSoC 4 kit which I have been trying really hard to not buy.
News - January Caption Contest about 12 years ago
Um... Is that a bungee cord?
News - March Caption Contest about 13 years ago
Sparkfun's hardest worker is sick of being treated like a dog.
Product COM-09907 about 13 years ago
bought a few of these thinking they were 1 to 8's oh well guess i can make them that way lol
Product SEN-10183 about 13 years ago
Um I'm a little late to the debate here but I'm fairly certain that degrees of freedom is a differential equation phrase representing however many factors that may be varied in the equation. For instance in common transient RLC circuit analysis you deal with differential equations containing 2 degrees of freedom.
Product COM-09855 about 13 years ago
This is actually the best deal i could find on 5mm LEDs. Nice!
News - A Good Ol' Fashioned Capt… about 13 years ago
Borris never really fit in with the other Viking children.
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