
Member Since: May 11, 2012

Country: United States

  • Hey John, Arduino Manager is an iOS and android app that does exactly what your talking about...you can built your own customized app that interacts with your hardware projects and a lot of people use it for the new iBeacon protocol out for home automation. Check it out it's really sweet. Wifi, BLE, eithernet. It's a game changer.

  • Sorry to butt in....but here in Ohio at least there is a massive state-wide initiative to fund and support budding entrepreneurs - especially in tech startups. I don't think many people know this....so you can go hunt down those people for help with these details and while you're at it....go ask for seed money.

  • Hey Nate! I'm Randy Robert, a mechanical engineer from Ohio and a HUGE fan of your work and SparkFun. My business partner Fabrizio Boco, from Italy, developed Arduino Manager, a customizable app that your users could use to connect their projects with their iOS, Android and Mac platforms. Would you be interested in maybe setting up a partnership with us?

    Btw...you completely changed my career path....well you and OU patenting my electrosurgical instrument design then doing nothing with it....but either way kudos to you and your success...keep it up sir!

  • Great job Nate! Fantastic points!

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