Member Since: June 30, 2012
Country: United States
Product DEV-10274 about 12 years ago
So do we need a separate LiPo charger? or just connect the battery and USB port and it will charge the battery along with powering the Lilypad
Product DEV-10958 about 12 years ago
Did you find out the answer?
Product PRT-00731 about 12 years ago
Does the battery charge if we connect the battery to Lilypad Arduino Simple Board and we connect the Simple Board to the computer using USB?
Product WRL-09358 about 13 years ago
Did you find the answer?
Product PRT-00731 about 13 years ago
Does this provide 3.3V of input to an Arduino Lilypad? Need to attach a sound sensor to that Arduino which requires 3.3V
Product BOB-09964 about 13 years ago
I am new to Arduino and want to get a sound sensor input and output in led light when there is a sound. Does this work with a LilyPad Simple Board?
Also what is better this or the Break Board for ADMP401 MEMS Microphone I am just trying to get noise level input and don't care too much about the clarity of noise.
Product DEV-08937 about 13 years ago
I am new to Lilypad and Arduino. Do we need to buy XBee adapter separately? Also is there a tutorial to communicate a LilyPad with an Ardunio with Ethernet
EncorePTL 1 item
First time trying Arduino and want to make something cool...