Member Since: March 16, 2013
Country: United States
If the torlerance is 4.5v, would this break it?
someone help me out. I'd like to make a laser spirograph, and I need a microcontroller to make reflectors spin at random speeds. How would I do this? Any help is appreciated :)
Please make it cheaper or make another version that is simpler and more affordable. I would really like something like this but it's too pricy
how many leads are on this?
is center-positive the most common? Also, which lead on the jack corresponds to center or barrel?
I know, i understand. thanks for the help
Sparkfun forums?? AMAZING! Thanks! You said "Gtfo, noob" in a very nice way.
I noticed the restock estimate about 20 minutes ago, but thanks anyway :) Also: you respond to a bunch of my comments. Thanks for your assistance! I don't know a ton about electronics (as you have probably noticed) and it's really nice to have some help.
I still don't know which one I should hook up to voltage, ground or signal.