

Member Since: June 12, 2013

Country: Canada

  • That particular code has an error. The line which reads


    should really read


    It is true that the manufacturer's data sheet claims that SPI should work in both modes 1 and 3. However, I have found that, in practice, SPI only works in mode 3 with the chip. That problem may not necessarily be a problem with the manufacturer. The problem may lie with the SPI library itself.

  • I have this book on my Kindle. It's an exceptionally well-written book. There's a lot of Arduino books out there. I believe that this book is one that everyone should have in their library.

  • I believe that the Schematic for the ArduSensor Shield is incorrect. Two of the LEDs in the bar LED are actually on A4 and A5 -- not A0 and A1. Also, the nets for JP1-4 are incorrect, because they don't match the silk screening on the board.

    Also, I'm disappointed that, like Larsi mentioned below, I got the wrong RGB LED.

    To me, this product doesn't quite match up to what is advertised.

  • I wish an opening would come up in the Summer semester class. I'd love to go; and I wouldn't mind visiting Boulder either!