Member Since: August 22, 2008
Country: United States
I'm not certain but I would imagine that it is possible to use this and an additional display. The reason is that this communicates via SPI using a proprietary driver. I doubt that built-in graphics is involved at all. You could configure your X11 to use two different devices like a typical dual-monitor setup on a PC.
After a 3.3V voltage regulator, can I safely run this at a higher current? Say at 1A?
Fantastic! I hope the diffusion helps to counter the offset of the colored diodes. With the other RGB LED, I had to use a small piece of paper to help blend the colors.
This is fantastic. First device I have ever soldered and had it done in about 45 minutes. But honestly, who's idea was that LED? If it were any brighter, I'd be blind.
I couldn't find this on the SFE Eagle Library, does anyone know what it is called?
Isn't that connector a 20 columns, 2 rows connector?
Your bandicoot mascot is very inspiring!