Member Since: August 23, 2008
Country: United Kingdom
No schematic or Eagle files?
Is this intended to be powered by a single supply? Shouldn't the motors be powered separately? I assume the power header is used to power both the Arduino and motors, but would powering the Arduino using the barrel-jack work?
Here's a Tutorial I found about interfacing to Arduino with UART.
The joystick wouldn't fit into the prototyping are because the holes are too small for the large housing pins, the holes are only 2.54mm apart and the joystick doesn't conform to standard layout.
Also there isn't enough space to use another one comfortable on the board.
You could easily use the parts in the Sparkfun eagle library to make your own with two and get it made at BatchPCB
I have been working on a similar venture myself.
Has anyone had any luck with the USB functionality?
Could just embed it into your own PCB using the footprint available in the Eagle library easily enough if a blank board doesn't come around.
This really is the best supplier. I'm from England and it's usually cheaper to get stuff sent here from Sparkfun. Keep up the good work!
Is there an electronic version of the manual that I could read before buying?
Will you be selling the M/M and F/F jumpers in packs of 100?
Would this board be reccomended over the Duemilenove for projects such as POV displays and portable projects?
No public wish lists :(