Member Since: September 25, 2013
Country: United States
Product COM-13448 about 9 years ago
Thanks for your reply doubts are caused by the word "copy" in note
Note: There is no difference between this part and its previous version. This new "COPY" was created to help make our in house assemblies easier to produce and manage.
Product COM-13448 about 9 years ago
You are not authorized distributors so we want to know who is your suplier
Product COM-13448 about 9 years ago
who is the suplier of this ICs,we need 10 , but the teacher wants them to be original,there are many copies on the market
Product COM-13448 about 9 years ago
Sorry, I do not ask if the current model, ask if the ICs is an original atmel , Chinese copies have problems with the PWM module , this will check with the oscilloscope in college, before buying I want to know if the original ICs
Product COM-13448 about 9 years ago
This piece is original or a chinese clon? It is a Chinese copy? Please reply, I want to know if the piece is original Atmel
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