
Member #823462

Member Since: July 8, 2016

Country: United States

  • Look for couplers online. "Stepper motor couplers" should do the trick. Most motor shafts will not be completely circular but have a little portion that's flat. Couplers are cylinders designed to slot into that shaft, with a hole at the other end to connect it to another shaft of you choosing. If my description doesn't make sense, check it out online, here's an example of one -http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA3XT3V76533&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC--pla--Tools+-+Electrician+Tools-_-9SIA3XT3V76533&gclid=CP7s9_6O4s0CFciFfgod4ZoK6g&gclsrc=aw.ds

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