

Member Since: October 10, 2016

Country: United States

  • I am curious why my battery is not being detected? Has anyone else had any issues with this? If I could get it to be detected (BIE status pin = 1 in the Control () Flags register) then I could take measurements on my device!


    Sincerely, Michael

  • Is anyone else having an issue with the I2C interface where sometimes the Pi will read the board after using i2cdetect -y 1, and sometimes the 0x55 register will not show on the grid?


  • Does the GPOUT Pin always go to the SDA Pin of the I2C section of the RPi or Arduino (Specifically RPi)?

    It seems that if we want to measure anything this pin has to be setup as such. Yet in his video it doesn't look like he's using the GPOUT pin. Just curious!

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