
Member Since: November 30, 2009

Country: United States

A familiar face pops in to share some insights on building an AVC combat robot, Crippling Depression.

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A few new products and a farewell.

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This week, we release the Photon SIK and the FLiR gets a price drop!

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Combat robots are cool and you can build your own. Check out this 3-part video series on how to build one yourself!

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This week we have a new Photon-based RedBoard and a handy cable.

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Up this week, new sensors, a new version of the LIDAR and more!

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New Stuff: Raspberry Pi Block for Edison and a customizable Snappable Protoboard.

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This week, the new Ludus product line of Arduino shields, as well as an overstock IC, the ATmega8U2.

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Up this week, a new soil moisture sensor, a more powerful pcDuino, and more!

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This week, a couple new shields to connect your project to the wonderful Internet: the ESP8266 Shield and the new Arduino Ethernet Shield V2.

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This week, a new version of the uArm, a new distance and gesture sensor from XYZ Interactive and a special sale to honor Nikola Tesla.

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Introducing the Large Digit Driver, the new Electric Imp Breakout, a new version of the MP3 Player Shield and more!

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Introducing the SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier, various load cells, new products from Chibitronics, and more!

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This week we have the mysterious and amazing SparkFun 'Thing' as well as a new touchscreen kit.

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The FreeSoC2 development board, the Anouk Edition Teensy 3.1, and the SparkFun Photon ecosystem!

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For anyone competing in AVC 2015 (or looking to compete), we have some information regarding registration and verification.

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This week we have a brand new full-featured Cellular Shield and some cool demo videos.

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A new multimeter, revision of the EasyVR Shield, a breakout for the rotary switch, and a magjack. Check out what's new this week.

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For this week, the new CryptoShield, a new version of the SparkFun Trackballer, and a hacking board for the MiP Self-Balancing Robot.

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New for this week, Chibitronics Circuit Stickers, check out the demo video.

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This week we have the new Servo Trigger, the ESP8266 WiFi module, a new version of the Taz 3D Printer, and more!

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Some unique LEDs, a teensy little development board, and a new FEZ kit. That's what's new this week.

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Products and puppies, what more could you ask for?

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Robotic arms, pulverized wood transformed into knowledge, a slice of Pi. Check out the new products for this week.

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Products from both sides of the tracks. A new kit with Microview, and a bunch of cast-offs from production.

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The VL6180 Time of Flight sensor hits this week - plus a few other gems!

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This week we have a couple new products to talk about for your next robotics project. Check it out!

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More new products, and our 200th New Product Video!

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Welcome to 2015! We have some new stuff to ring in the new year.

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For the day after Christmas, we have a few new products for you.

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AVC 2015 is Coming!

Check out what's new for everyone's favorite autonomous vehicle competition.

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More Edison Blocks and a new product to determine what's hot and what's not.

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A cool new sensor, some revisions, and other great stuff. Check out what's new.

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Books, cellular products, a couple new products, and everyone's favorite: the SparkFun Dumpster Dive.

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Robotic gripper arms, Actobotics stuff, and more! Check out the New Product Post.

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Lights, Wireless, and Pi. Check out the new stuff for this week.

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High-powered LEDs, an audio kit from Moog and more. Check out the new stuff for this week.

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Tons of new stuff this week including some Actobotics kits, robot parts, and more.

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More products and more shots of the new building.

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Even though we released a bunch of new products mid-week, we're back with even more new products. What is Friday without new stuff? I don't wanna know.

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New products for your Raspberry Pi B+, and our very last New Product Post Video shot at our old building. :-(

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New products, tools, and rockets. Yeah, rockets.

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Another Friday, another round of great new products!

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