GPS Vector Pointer Project (Dustin)

by Dustin Larsen

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Product Subtotal Qty
Servo - Hitec HS-625MG (Standard Size)
Retired ROB-11885
31.95 1   
Cannot be ordered at this time.
JST to Breadboard Jumper (3-pin)
In stock CAB-13685
4.8 3   
9V Battery Holder
In stock PRT-10512
7 2   
SparkFun RedBoard - Programmed with Arduino
Retired DEV-12757
39.9 2   
Cannot be ordered at this time.
SparkFun XBee Shield
Out of stock WRL-12847
37 2   
XBee 1mW Wire Antenna - Series 1 (802.15.4)
Retired WRL-08665
49.9 2   
Cannot be ordered at this time.
GPS Receiver - GP-20U7 (56 Channel)
Retired GPS-13740
39 2   
Cannot be ordered at this time.
Laser Module - Green
Retired COM-09906
17.95 1   
Cannot be ordered at this time.
Arduino Stackable Header Kit
20 available PRT-10007
3.5 2   
Arduino Stackable Header - 10 Pin
In stock PRT-11376
1.5 2   
SparkFun XBee Explorer Dongle
33 available WRL-11697
27.95 1   
Total: 260.45