Short biography of the Roald Dahl

by stephanrussel

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Roald Dahl (Roald Dahl) is an English writer of Norwegian descent, author of novels, tales and short stories. Master of a paradoxical story. One of the most famous authors in the UK. Born in Llanduff, South Wales, in a Norwegian family. His father, Harald Dahl, immigrated with his wife and two children to Britain at the turn of the century. Shortly after the death of his first wife, Harald returned to Norway and married Sophie Magdalen Hesselberg in the hope that his new wife would help him raise his children.

September 13, 1916 Roald was born, named after the famous Norwegian traveler Amundsen. Unfortunately, in 1920, Roald Astri's elder sister died of appendicitis, and after a few months, Harald Dahl also died of pneumonia, who dreamed that his children would be educated in the best English schools in the world. The widowed Sophie, who bore Astu at that time, remains alone with four daughters and two sons.

Creative path and education Roald

When Roald was seven, his mother decided that it was time for him to study at Llanduff Cathedral School, where he spent two years. However, child abuse by the school principal forces Sophie to transfer the boy to St. Peter's Boarding School in Weston-super-Mare, where he studied and was homesick until he was 13 years old. All of his childhood adventures - bullying by teachers, staff, Roald described in the book "Boy"

When Roald was thirteen, the family moved to Kent in England, and he was soon sent in 1929 to the Repton Community School in Derbyshire. Repton was even worse than St. Peter's School. Hazing hazing flourished here - younger schoolchildren walked in private slaves at high school students, who organized bullying and torture.

After graduating from college (1934), the future writer, as part of a group of schoolchildren, went as a photographer to explore Newfoundland. Photography is another serious passion for Dahl in subsequent years.

In World War II began in 1939, all the British registered and temporarily turned into British soldiers, supervising immigrants from Germany. Soon, Dahl enters

In September 1940, Dahl suffered severe head, nose, and back injuries when his Gladiator crashed in the Western Desert. After six months of treatment and rehabilitation in Alexandria, he returned to duty, taking part in the battle of Athens. Later, in 1942, he was appointed to Washington as an assistant military attach to the British Embassy. It was there that his writing writemypaper4me review career began, aimed at that time, primarily to involve the United States in the war as an ally of Great Britain.

It was there that his writing career began. Knocked him to writing a famous novelist S.S. Forester, who invited Dahl to try to write in writing about his adventures in the air and on earth. Several stories of the novice writer were published first in the Saturday Evening Post, and then in Harper's Magazine, Ladies' Home Journal, Town and Country and others.

Personal life and his work

In the early 1950s, Dahl moved to New York and began periodically publishing in The New Yorker and with Collier, he revolves among celebrities. At a party in 1951, he meets the rising Hollywood star Patricia Neal (who received an Oscar in 1964), whom he married in 1953 (later they had five children - Olivia, Tessa, Theo, Ophelia and Lucy). In 1983, Roald and Patricia divorced (B. Farrell wrote the book “Pat and Roald” about the difficult life of the spouses, which served as the basis for the film “The History of Patricia Neal” Roald Dahl Since the late 1950s, Dahl has continued his attempts to establish himself as a scriptwriter at the start of his creative career. He wrote the scripts for the films "You Only Live Twice" ("You Only Live Twice", 1967) with Sean Connery as James Bond (based on the novel by Ian Fleming, Dahl's great friend) and "Chitty-chitty-ben-ben" (" Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 1968). In total, about twenty television and full-length films were shot according to Dahl's scripts or works (among the directors are A. Hitchcock and K. Tarantino). With the publication of the next collection of short stories “Kiss Kiss” (“Kiss”) in 1959, Dahl firmly established his reputation as a master of black humor - the word “master” in this definition certainly plays a decisive role, because first of all he is a wonderful storyteller. Dahl receives the prestigious E.Po Prize (1959) for the second time.

Last years of life and work

The father of the Roald Dahl family writes a lot for children. In 1961, James and the Giant Peach was released, followed by the children's bestsellers Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964, numerous awards, including Millenium-2000), Charlie and the Huge Glass Lift (1972), Danny - world champion "(1975)," BDV, or the great and kind giant "(1982) and other works awarded many literary prizes. His mystical tales of the seventies are marked by the third award of the best author of America in this genre (1980). In the last years of his life, two autobiographical novels, “Boy. Tales of childhood "(1984) and" Flying Alone "(1986). Roald Dahl died on November 23, 1990 at the age of 74 in Oxford (England), and was buried in the cemetery of St. Peter and St. Paul Church in the Viking rite with his favorite objects - billiard cues, a bottle of Burgundy, chocolates, and pencils. In honor of R. Dahl, the Children's Gallery was opened at the Buckinghampshire Museum, his birthday, September 13, is celebrated around the world as Roald Dahl Day.

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