How the project for this Enginursday went from a very involved asset tracking project, to a motorized fly vise which, thanks to a stock error, is now replicating a joke from a TV show.
Remixing Anouk Wipprecht's Kitty Ear soldering project shared on OSHPARK and Shapeways.
Using a ESP32 Thing and a WiFi camera to create a robot that you control from your browser.
A classic control systems challenge is building an inverted pendulum robot. Today we'll discuss the theory behind the project.
SparkFun Engineer Joel plays a melody on the second version of the digital handpan, aka the Touch Drum.
Tsunami looping firmware is released, and connectable by MIDI. And why not MIDI BLE? It's done with the nRF52832 this week.
A few tips and considerations to help you get the most out of a trip to the annual showcase.
Using the Mind Wave Mobile+, Mort and I created a mind-controlled IoT...solution (?) with sockets, of course!
As Andrew finishes up his fiber optic light suit, he's adding in gesture control. Let's see how it works.
Sometimes troubleshooting requires you to think both literally and figuratively "outside the box."
Atmel Studio 7 supports a web-based design tool called START. We'll take a look at this design tool pair and the time to blink on a SAME54 Xplained board.
How to use Qwiic connectors to make versatile control panels that can control a myriad of electronics projects.
The serial controlled motor driver is stripped of its firmware and reprogrammed to function as an amplifier. Then it's surrounded with circuits that turn the whole shebang into a portable guitar amp.. but it won't win any awards.
Build a custom wireless audio Bluetooth adapter using BlueCreation's BC127 and add it to your old speaker system!
Andy is working on an audio control subsystem for his new fiber optic rave suit...let's check it out.
Learn how to combine a Python web app framework with the ESP8266 Thing to control your RPi via WiFi.
Hi, "For a full wishlist of products for this project, check it out here:" ....but I see no link to anything further. I am hoping you have…