Learn how data.sparkfun.com can help you not just collect data, but also use that data to make hypothesizes, see trends, and make adjustments to a variety of systems.

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Good ways to find unique and affordable enclosures for your projects.

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Drive the Moog Werkstatt-01 with the SparkPunk sequencer, and starting in on a MIDI-to-CV converter.

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How will you be developing code for the Edison? Here are a few methods we're exploring!

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The Edison is Not a Raspberry Pi

To compare the Edison and the Raspberry Pi is to do a disservice to both.

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Sweeping legal changes are afoot that could change the hobbyist airspace for years to come. Your input can make a difference.

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Our design philosophy behind the Edison blocks, and how you can help evolve the ecosystem!

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Overview of the related M2X Learn tutorial, which walks users through the process of connecting an Arduino and CC3000 to AT&T's M2X service.

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In which I buy a cheap truck, planning on using my hacking skills to keep it going, and the universe calls my bluff

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SparkFun's first attempt at creating an inexpensive, accessible, DIY assistive technology mouse.

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Enginursday: EnLightningment

In this week's Enginursday post, Joel discusses how he went about making a control box for a large scale interactive EL wire art installation.

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We really want to do a fun and amazing project here in Engineering and want to know your thoughts.

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How and why I use markdown everyday, for all of my documenting needs.

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CubeSats will soon be traveling beyond LEO, and are available in a new compact size. We check in with the people pushing the limits.

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The necessary dangers of electricity, and whether they're worth it.

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Enginursday: Camera Hacking

Experimenting with optics and imagery.

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From April to September, it's hard not to find a robotics competition or event. Here are a few I got to see this year.

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In this three-part video series, I show users how to setup their Raspberry Pi with Raspbian, connect a humidity and temperature sensor, and Tweet the results on a regular basis using Python.

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Learn how to make an amazingly entertaining laser show small enough to fit inside of a lunchbox.

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Recent Blog Comments

Hmm... I'm wondering if you've thought about offering a "package" of all 5 books?

Bring back the AVC! The Sparkfun RTK EVK would really change the Autonomous Vehicle Competition. Navigation would be a snap. The competitors…

Congratulations, this history is motivational, Best regards from Queretaro Mex.

Typo alert: Uh, you have two occurances of the Shapeoko 5 Maintenance Kit, and though some of the verbiage mentions a "pack of four…

Shawn definitely made some excellent videos! Another of the folks I miss is Pete Doktor, who also made many excellent videos. I sincerely…

Watching Drew's video, I kept imagining "ultra-mouse" that would not only respond to x-y displacement and button clicks and wheel rotations,…

"heads up" -- pun intended? ;-)

Thanks for the heads up! Should be solved now. Goes back to workbench to continue work on anti-gravity machine

Uh,, unless they've managed to print a working anti-gravity machine, it sure looks to me like a couple of the photos are upside down (need…

Rob is pretty eclectic and hard to duplicate with AI.I would love to get a board with a round microprocessor on it. Great project. Beside,…

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