By default, the Raspberry Pi is used like a computer, where you need a keyboard, mouse and monitor. Here are some other ways to configure it.

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Using a ESP32 Thing and a WiFi camera to create a robot that you control from your browser.

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Using the Mind Wave Mobile+, Mort and I created a mind-controlled IoT...solution (?) with sockets, of course!

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Students build Cheerlights display that changes color with tweets

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A new shirt design, a new power relay for your IoT needs, and a revision to the popular RedBearLab Nano board. It's Force Friday!

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Three IoT Platforms for Makers

Everyone seems to have an IoT software platform these are three to try!

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How a hamster ball and Blynk app can detect not only motion, but perhaps something paranormal?

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Build an indoor visual weather display with LEDs and the Particle Photon!

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Our new Simultaneous RFID Reader brings multitag tracking capabilities to the masses.

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Setting up a sensor to text you if your basement is in danger of flooding

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While many of us fancy a new "Home of Tomorrow," the real growth in IoT is occurring in places most of us don't see.

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Got an internet-connected device as a gift? Let's have a quick chat about how to prevent another Mirai botnet attack.

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On IoT and security

Is it time to make smart devices dumber?

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Baby Blynk Monitor Thing

Baby sleep pattern monitor utilizing the SparkFun ESP8266 Thing, Blynk app, and SparkFun ADXL345 Library

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How JavaScript has evolved into a language supporting an entire ecosystem of devices

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Today we're demonstrating chess boards that talk over Phant!

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Getting your plants up to Phant and digging in to IFTTT

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Home automation with the ESP8266 is now easier than ever!

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We want to educate everyone. That means helping the government when they ask.

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Congratulations, this history is motivational, Best regards from Queretaro Mex.

Typo alert: Uh, you have two occurances of the Shapeoko 5 Maintenance Kit, and though some of the verbiage mentions a "pack of four…

Shawn definitely made some excellent videos! Another of the folks I miss is Pete Doktor, who also made many excellent videos. I sincerely…

Watching Drew's video, I kept imagining "ultra-mouse" that would not only respond to x-y displacement and button clicks and wheel rotations,…

"heads up" -- pun intended? ;-)

Thanks for the heads up! Should be solved now. Goes back to workbench to continue work on anti-gravity machine

Uh,, unless they've managed to print a working anti-gravity machine, it sure looks to me like a couple of the photos are upside down (need…

Rob is pretty eclectic and hard to duplicate with AI.I would love to get a board with a round microprocessor on it. Great project. Beside,…

Did I miss something? It didn't seem like a board was created, just a generic picture of a board. So, unless I missed something AI just…

A few days ago, someone knowing that I've been "doing" computers over 50 years, asked if they should be worried that AI was going to…

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