The new Qwiic Scale is now available along with a new TFT LCD Breakout. We have new shirt designs for you to try on! We also are bringing you a fresh new ruler and two APA104 LED strips!
Two new GPS breakouts, the GNSS Antenna Evaluation Board and stand-alone receiver, and a high-power RGB LED!
The SparkFun Edge is now shipping! With it, we also have a new DMX to LED Shield for your SparkFun Thing Plus, the new Taz Pro 3D Printer, high-grade flex sensors from Bend Labs, and some headers and cables!
Taking what I've learned about LED color mixing and Python, along with our LumiDrive LED Driver and LuMini LED Ring, I set out to create a light ring for macro photography that surpasses all others.
Let's check out my third design to control LEDs based on movement using an accelerometer!
Last week, we took a look at using the digital pins on our new LumiDrive LED Driver. This week, we'll play with the analog pins, and see if we can't put something together using both!
We have another new RedBoard today and it's gone turbo-tastic! But we can't forget about the Qwiic MP3 Trigger and Lumini 8x8 Matrix, too!
Wes and I collaborated on some code to take your current Spotify album art and display it on a 64x64 LED matrix. Let's check it out!
If you're looking to try coding in Python, especially as it translates to the world of physical computing, the SparkFun LumiDrive is a great way to get started.
This week we have the new GPS-RTK2 Board, a LED Driver that utilizes MicroPython, and three APA102 LED Rings!
Which came first, the function or the form? Regardless of the course your build takes from start to finish, there's no reason it can't be seen as both technology and art.
Chances are, you may never use all 16 million colors available to you with your RGB LEDs. But whatever colors you use, you should know how to smoothly fade from one color to another. And thanks to the wonders of math, now you can!
Are you crystal, gem or mineral collector? Display them in style with an underlit display.
Lumos! Here are my experiences 3D-printing a "magical" illuminated wand theatrical prop for my students' performance.
I recently figured out how to make a custom-shaped screen using an ESP32 and DMX512 over ArtNet. Let's check it out.
A new Qwiic-compatible TFMini LiDAR module, a triad spectroscopy sensor, a new SDR, the SmartLED Shield, and a radio telemetry kit!
Hi, "For a full wishlist of products for this project, check it out here:" ....but I see no link to anything further. I am hoping you have…