The Teensy MicroMod Processor is now available, along with a new version of our RedBoard and a new OpenLog Artemis Kit!
From Teletubbies to noodles - a game that navigates through Wikipedia from one topic to another on the MicroMod ecosystem.
Register for our second AI Workshop - Use the MicroMod Machine Learning Carrier Board and the Nordic nRF52840 MicroMod Processor to train and deploy your own machine learning model
We released two new STM32 boards yesterday, but we still have plenty more to talk about this week!
We are happy to announce our two brand new STM32 boards in Thing Plus and MicroMod formats!
Porting the DIY cabin temperature monitoring system to MicroMod
With a strip of solderable UV LED tape, a cheap poster frame, some scrap wood and a few Qwiic-enabled breakouts, I built this simple tabletop UV lightbox with a countdown exposure timer.
Two new Qwiic Carrier Boards for MicroMod are available, the RP2040 Pro Micro is shipping, and we have Elektor kits to go along with the newest edition of their magazine!
The RP2040 Thing Plus is now shipping, and don't forget to check out our other accessories releasing today!
The MicroMod RP2040 Processor is now shipping! With it, we also have the new version of the Arduino Engineering Kit and the new SenseHAT for Raspberry Pi.
This example demonstrates how to create a simple server on your local WiFi network with endpoints that toggle the six RGB LEDs onboard the MicroMod Input and Display Carrier board, while also logging the LED activity (and other endpoint requests) to the TFT display.
MicroMod's new Asset Tracker Carrier Board is here, along with a new Update Tool and RPi4 Kit!
Let's take a closer look into everything that was released yesterday. We also have a new RPi4 case!
Raspberry Pi has introduced the world to their brand new microcontroller, and we are happy to incorporate it into some new boards of our own, as well.
A new nRF52840 Processor and Weather Carrier boards expand the offerings of the MicroMod ecosystem!
Two huge releases happened this week with SparkFun MicroMod and Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. Let's take a look!
A new modular prototyping platform for interchanging microcontrollers
only one way to become an expert ... just do it
Apologies for my confusion. I was deep in the datasheet (page 1137) where this line gave the impression of USB 2.0 capabilities. "RP2350…
Yep you are correct. I mistakenly took the spec from the Pico 2 board itself which states "Raspberry Pi Pico 2 comes with all the features…
More corrections: According to the datasheet RP2350 has no internal flash not 4MB as stated here. The RP2354 has 2MB of internal flash.
The RP2350 is still USB 1.1, not 2.0 as stated in the article. I am sure I wouldn't have spent a few hours reading about ULPI trying to see…
Thanks for the heads up! It looks like we went live with the 1st draft 🤦 I've got it updated now and will double check the specs again.
In addition to the parts you highlighted, the M33 core not the same as the M0+, as it's described as being in the article
Something does not add up here. According to the RP2350 datasheet on RPi site, RP2350 has: > * Dual Cortex-M33 or Hazard3 processors at…
Hi, "For a full wishlist of products for this project, check it out here:" ....but I see no link to anything further. I am hoping you have…