On this last New Product Post of 2018, we have plenty of new development boards for you to use!

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A Qwiic Ultraviolet Sensor, a new version of the Infrared Control Kit, and a couple of other bits roll out this week!

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The new Qwiic Twist is here along with a new USB-C Serial Basic Breakout and a few others!

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The new RPLIDAR is here, and a new WiFi IR board "blasts" onto the scene!

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We introduce a new Arduino Pro Mini utilizing the nRF52840 and Qwiic, a Qwiic Expansion Board for Onion Omega, and a USB-C Breakout and connector!

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On this special product post preceding Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we have two different versions of our new SparkFun LTE Shield, a Qwiic Cable Kit and a Qwiic-to-Grove Adapter Cable.

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Another new stereo camera, a SparkFun Original LoRa Gateway and the Arduino Uno WiFi R2!

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A new Qwiic-compatible TFMini LiDAR module, a triad spectroscopy sensor, a new SDR, the SmartLED Shield, and a radio telemetry kit!

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Today we have a new Configurable OpAmp Board, a RISC-V Dev board, two SDRs, and a few other components for your next project!

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Today we have a new stereo camera, an all-in-one sensor module, an absolute encoder, LEDs and a baseplate for your Raspberry Pi!

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Three new gator:board ProtoSnaps for your micro:bit and a compact USB Logic Analyzer moves over from SparkX!

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A new soldering kit for beginners, a soft circuits kit from ChickTech, an updated version of the OpenMV, two GPS/GNSS antennas and parts for your CNC!

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The SparkFun SAMD21 Pro RF is now in full production, and we have a new GPS-RTK Qwiic-enabled board, as well as several little components for you to use today!

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The Arduino MKR Vidor 4000 is here, along with the Raspberry Shake, the Neutis Quad-Core Module and a few other goodies!

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Two new Qwiic IR Array breakouts, a load of new CNC drills and four different types of copper clad!

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The new SparkFun I2S Audio Breakout is here, along with NFC Light-Up Nail Stickers and AVC 2018 shirts!

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Tool kits are back, with three new versions available today! We also have a new LCD Touchscreen HAT for your Raspberry Pi.

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Today we have a new flight controller, an Arduino Engineering Kit, a repair kit for your Shapeoko and three new wire strippers. Happy Friday, everyone!

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More Raspberry Pi products are here today, including eInk displays and robotics kits. We also have a new 64x64 RGB matrix!

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Today we have a new, "powerful" Raspberry Pi HAT, a load of solar panels, and a knob for our small and medium-sized slide pots!

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Hi, has anyone tried to stack 3 audio adaptor board with extra i2s_quad objects to have 6 outputs?

Glad to be back! Thank you for your business!

I'm so glad this is back! Thank you!

Hi, has the discount for purchasing NVIDIA Jetson with an Educator Account ended?

Is this the equivalent of the GNS Electronics NTRIP-X: https://www.gns-electronics.de/product/ntrip-x-basestation-bundle/ Would I need both…

Hmm... I'm wondering if you've thought about offering a "package" of all 5 books?

Bring back the AVC! The Sparkfun RTK EVK would really change the Autonomous Vehicle Competition. Navigation would be a snap. The competitors…

Congratulations, this history is motivational, Best regards from Queretaro Mex.

Typo alert: Uh, you have two occurances of the Shapeoko 5 Maintenance Kit, and though some of the verbiage mentions a "pack of four…

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