Cass emailed us about an interesting, nicely polished, new musical instrument created by a student team in the United Kingdom.

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Wanna see something neat?

I love it when I hear this in the office. Every once and awhile we get to hear from a SparkFun customer who is working on something phenomenal. Most recently, Aaron our tech support guru forwarded me an email from Jared, a customer using the GeoChron in a unique way.

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We'll be at Maker Faire next week, Friday 5/2 to Sunday 5/4. If you're anywhere near San Francisco or San Mateo, you should swing by the SparkFun booth! We're bringing things... Blinky things. And some fun stuff too.

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Acclerometer Etchasketch

It's probably been done a few times before, but it's really neat to be able to control an Etchasketch with a couple accelerometers.

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Rotary Potentiometers

It's like a capacitive rotary dial with the need for sensitive ICs! The Softpot Rotary from Spectrasymbol is the latest of a handful of new potentiometers.

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Nordic Coaster

Oh PCB layout. How you spite thee. What's a coaster you ask? A <a href="">coaster </a>is something that sits under a coffee mug (or beer glass) and prevents the vessel on top from leaving a visible ring on a table. It's also a name for a completely screwed up PCB.

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What We Working On?

The <a href="">electret mics</a> we sell work great, but often need some amplification to be able to hook an analog audio signal to a micro.

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Find a cold one

1, 2, 3,... 19 new things to post. We are really excited about so many of these, it's hard to choose where to start.

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Have you seen the latest edition of <a href="">Nuts and Volts</a>?

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When we got the new magnetic stripe <a href="">readers</a> and <a href="">writers</a>, we didn't really expect to see them work so easily!

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We're very fortunate to be a <a href="">sponsor</a> at Maker Faire this year in San Mateo, May 3-4. Show us what you're building!

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More new!

Wow! We've had a lot of new gadgets posted this week! Don't forget to check the listing from yesterday as well.

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New Fun

We had to reshuffle a few categories to make room for the new.

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Lots of three letter acronyms today.

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Metallic Salmon

What color is Metallic Salmon? I have no idea, but the S371 does.

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We've updated our <a href="">Eagle Footprint Library</a> on the Open Circuits website (we love that place!)

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Protect Any Project

The <a href="">SparkFun project case</a> is an enclosure as you would expect, with the addition of a series of small raised dots on the bottom half of the enclosure.

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Shout Out to Malawi

This week, with the help of <a href="">Google Analytics</a>, we see that SparkFun is getting hits from all over the world, including 1 hit from Malawi in south west Africa. Hello to our new friends in <a href="">Malawi</a>!

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Happy Friday!

So many new cool things to play with. Where do we start? How about the RFL Robot...

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Feedback and Wikipedia

You might notice a new link over on the left hand side called 'Feedback'. If you discover a broken link, click on 'Feedback' (a new window will pop up) and drop us a line. Quick and painless.

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Congratulations, this history is motivational, Best regards from Queretaro Mex.

Typo alert: Uh, you have two occurances of the Shapeoko 5 Maintenance Kit, and though some of the verbiage mentions a "pack of four…

Shawn definitely made some excellent videos! Another of the folks I miss is Pete Doktor, who also made many excellent videos. I sincerely…

Watching Drew's video, I kept imagining "ultra-mouse" that would not only respond to x-y displacement and button clicks and wheel rotations,…

"heads up" -- pun intended? ;-)

Thanks for the heads up! Should be solved now. Goes back to workbench to continue work on anti-gravity machine

Uh,, unless they've managed to print a working anti-gravity machine, it sure looks to me like a couple of the photos are upside down (need…

Rob is pretty eclectic and hard to duplicate with AI.I would love to get a board with a round microprocessor on it. Great project. Beside,…

Did I miss something? It didn't seem like a board was created, just a generic picture of a board. So, unless I missed something AI just…

A few days ago, someone knowing that I've been "doing" computers over 50 years, asked if they should be worried that AI was going to…

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