Filter noise from your latest paranormal investigation field recordings, audio-capturing UAV or anything not related to either of those two things.
Here are some ideas and downloadable designs to get you inspired this Halloween season.
Over the next few weeks, we'll explore the basics behind electricity in a series of videos.
Let's relive the glory of the greatest among us.
The Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2, a new Raspberry Pi Enclosure, an RJ11 Breakout. Oh so vivid!
New tutorials and Arduino libraries for the DeadOn RTC and Real Time Clock module breakout boards – plus, a fun little analog clock project.
SparkFun pays a visit to iD Tech (& it makes our own childhood summer camp lanyard-weaving look really bad)
Let's dissect another section of EdiBot 2.0 and learn how to spin DC motors with Python.
When writing a library, pass in I2C ports to make the library more useful on different platforms.
You want headers? We put headers on all the things! The IOIO-OTG, the TB6612FNG Motor Driver, and the MMA8452Q Triple Axis Accelerometer. Head(ers) On!
A few thoughts on prototyping and breadboarding
You know the SIK; you love the SIK – now let's turn up the volume.
Let's use IoT to improve our diets!
Let these stills tide you over until the recap video!
Let's rock with the new SparkFun Proto Pedal guitar pedal and some cool revisions!
Your farm-to-table walkthrough of solar power: Where does it come from, where does it go, and how many suns will you need for YOUR project?
It's time to automate my home!
The newest version of EdiBot relies on contour finding in OpenCV to locate and chase yellow objects.
A picture so good, it needs a caption.
Come watch the games at SparkFun's headquarters or on our live streams!
only one way to become an expert ... just do it
Apologies for my confusion. I was deep in the datasheet (page 1137) where this line gave the impression of USB 2.0 capabilities. "RP2350…
Yep you are correct. I mistakenly took the spec from the Pico 2 board itself which states "Raspberry Pi Pico 2 comes with all the features…
More corrections: According to the datasheet RP2350 has no internal flash not 4MB as stated here. The RP2354 has 2MB of internal flash.
The RP2350 is still USB 1.1, not 2.0 as stated in the article. I am sure I wouldn't have spent a few hours reading about ULPI trying to see…
Thanks for the heads up! It looks like we went live with the 1st draft 🤦 I've got it updated now and will double check the specs again.
In addition to the parts you highlighted, the M33 core not the same as the M0+, as it's described as being in the article
Something does not add up here. According to the RP2350 datasheet on RPi site, RP2350 has: > * Dual Cortex-M33 or Hazard3 processors at…
Hi, "For a full wishlist of products for this project, check it out here:" ....but I see no link to anything further. I am hoping you have…